Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To Drink Skinny, Is To Be Skinny

Now here's the million dollar question and one I get asked very often.....How can I enjoy my nights out and still manage to look great? I want to go out with my friends on Saturday night but don't want to feel bloated and horrible the next morning....what do I do and what should I drink?

So here are some tips and tools I use when I go out.  I feel that I have managed to find a happy medium between enjoying what I am drinking (I mean honestly...who wants to dilute their wine with a spritzer??????), while cutting down on the unnecessary calories, and still being able to go to yoga the next day.  But let me add a disclaimer saying that sometimes the rules get broken and I succumb to the yummy margaritas at my favorite Mexican restaurant. If this happens, just pick yourself up the next day and promise yourself it will only be vodka sodas the next time you go out!!!

1.  "The Clearer The Better" - You know the drinks you see that are all the colors of the rainbow?  Yeah..stay away from those.  Take for instance a Mai Tai - it's colorful and they always add a little umbrella to make you feel that you aren't drinking in a dive bar next to a busy freeway. Well you are and that "fun" drink is going to cost you around 500 calories (give or take 100 calories).  And one is never enough, my friends.  So you leave the bar feeling good, only to realize you aren't in Hawaii and you have just consumed around 1500 calories. UGGHHH!  Sugar is the devil when it comes to combining it with alcohol.  It speeds up the absorption of the alcohol and makes the drink so much easier going down.  Stick with clear liquor (vodka, gin, silver tequila) and add club soda or a diet soda that you enjoy.  Flavored vodkas are great with club soda and then add some fresh limes or lemons.  This will run you about 100 calories per drink.  Big difference and you will also avoid the unknown sugars in the mixers!!!!  If you are even more daring, have your liquor on the rocks.  It will take you a little longer to drink it, minimizing your calories, and your bar bill!

2.  "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" - Beer is made with yeast so it's kinda like drinking liquid bread.  Not to mention, beer has gluten in it (from the barley) so if you follow a gluten-free diet, stay away!  But everyone loves a beer once in awhile, so if you do, stick to the light versions of your favorite brand.  There are some new beers out there that are about 90 calories.  Those are good choices.  Try not to drink the entire 6-pack.

3.  "Wine-O" - I love wine.  Love, love, love it!!!  But drinking a bottle of Chardonnay nowadays is so not a good idea...for the mind, body or pounding headache you will have the next morning.  White and Red wine will run you about 120-150 calories for 5 ounces.  I find that most bars give you a really healthy pour so you may be consuming more calories than that.  It's also very high in sugar and goes down so easily.  Keep yourself in check and don't drink with abandon!

4.  "H2OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" - Water is your best friend on nights out.  Drink it.  And drink a lot of it.  I know people say to have a glass of water in between each drink but honestly, who does that?  I think I tried it once and it was boring (I know, I know...I need to take my own advice and I am trying!).  But if you can do it, it will keep you hydrated and will help you maintain that low-level buzz for a longer period of time.  If you skipped it at the bar, make sure to drink plenty of water when you get home.  Alcohol relaxes your bladder, increasing the need to run to the bathroom, so you will want to replace all of the fluids that you lost.  It will also help flush out the toxins from your body, possibly decreasing that hangover the next day.

5.  "The Energizer Bunny" - Don't mix the highly caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol.  Vodka Red Bulls were so 2006.  Alcohol is a depressant, caffeine is an upper - not a good mix.  Furthermore, caffeine is a diuretic - which means it increases your need to pee.  But so does alcohol.  Now you have doubled the effects of dehydration.  No good.

6.  "Munchies" - Having the munchies after returning home from a fun night out is a given.  Just stay away from Jack in the Box, Pizza Hut, McD's, and any of the other crap that's open at 2 am.  If you gotta have fast food, try to get something healthy.  Don't overload your body with greasy, salty, fatty foods.  You are just going to feel worse in the morning.  If you want fries, get a small fry.  Just don't get the double-double and milkshake too.

Remember - alcohol is metabolized and stored the same way as fat.  Compromise with yourself.  If you know you are going out that night, have a healthy, well-balanced meal beforehand.  Lean protein, veggies, whole grains.  Drink water and drink it often (myself included).  And, of course, ALWAYS have a DD.



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