Thursday, October 14, 2010

Drink That Water's a precious commodity.  And our bodies could not live without it.  I am sure you have always read or heard that you should drink 8-8 ounce glasses of water per day.  So that's 64 ounces of water which is a little less than 2 liters.  At the same time, that can seem like a very daunting amount of fluid to consume throughout the day.  I get don't always want to be running to the bathroom!  This recommendation also includes other drinks and foods that you consume and don't even realize you are adding to your "water bank".  Oranges, cucumbers, and watermelon have a very high water content so eating an orange can satisfy a small portion of those 2 liters.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume about 3 liters of beverages per day and women need about 2.2 liters of beverages per day.  But since everyone's needs are different, a good rule of thumb is 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce of water per pound, per day.  So for 130 lb. woman, she would need to consume about 130 ounces of water which is around 3.8 liters.  Maybe that's a little high for you so drop it down to 1/2 ounce. 

You definitely need to make sure to increase this amount if you are exercising and expending a lot of energy.  When I go to the gym, I normally drink about 32 ounces of water during my workout.  I also notice that very few people take quick "water breaks" during my exercise classes.  Maybe people think it makes them look weak - like if they don't drink water they are much stronger than everyone else.  I think its so bizarre.  You NEED to replace the water and electrolytes you have lost to help your body to continue performing optimally.  So don't be embarrassed to drink water every moment that you get!!!

To spice up the sometimes very boring taste (or lack thereof) of water, add lemon.  Or any other type of fruit that you like.  I love making Spa Water.  Just add cut cucumbers, oranges, strawberries, limes, lemons, watermelon, and/or mint.  Let the water sit for an hour or so which allows the flavors of the fruit to saturate the water and TA have some awesome tasting water!  It's also great to put out for a party.  Buy one of those cute water dispensers from Bed Bath and Beyond, design your very own Spa water, and I promise, your guests will love it.  Besides, it cuts back on tons of half-drank water bottles and of course, lots of trash, sitting around during your party.



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